Our Dream

The Foundation's Vision

To build a Nature Centre that will:

• Educate the public on the importance of Burns Bog and the world’s peatlands.


• Provide facilities to assist with scientific research.


• Provide opportunities for the public to interact with and experience the Burns Bog environment through eco-tourism.


• Champion sustainability, ecologically sound management and governance of Burns Bog and other peatlands.


• Liaise and work with other groups on broad issues that affect the sustainability of Burns Bog and other peatlands.


• Support the Burns Bog Conservation Society, the organization responsible for day-to-day affairs.


Did You Know…

Covering an area of 40 square kilometers, Burns Bog is located at the mouth of the Fraser River delta, BC, Canada, bordered by Highway 99, Ladner Trunk Road,Highway 91 and River Road.

Burns Bog has been called “the lungs of the lower mainland” because of its role in maintaining air quality in the region. It captures carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and stores it in the peat. It filters rainwater and prevents flooding.

It is habitat to numerous species at risk and it provides nutrients for Fraser River salmon. Without Burns Bog, the Lower Mainland would be a very different and diminished place.



There are on-going events, fundraisers and activities available for all ages to get involved in the cause. Pick one and join us as we take care of our marshlands and the species that depend on it for survival.

Our donors are important to us and we will recognize them in a variety of ways. Rooms in the Centre and outside areas can be named after them or someone they wish to memorialize. Memorial benches can be placed in outside areas. Plaques in the Centre will recognize donors and those they wish to memorialize.

Protecting & Preserving Our Peats

It's A Group Effort

We depend on and look for public and corporate support year round in three primary ways. Every contribution is valuable and makes our job easier.

Eco-Friendly and Local Products

From The Burns Bog Store

All products are sourced locally and we believe to be in alignment with our values, mission and vision.

The People Who Make This Possible


Every year we get hundreds of volunteers who share our passion for saving Burns Bog. Residents of the lower mainland thank you for your time, energy and dedication to make a difference.


You’ve helped us raise an overwhelming


so far!

There's Always Something Going On At The Bog


Year round events keep awareness high and offers something for just about everyone. See what you can experience at the Burns Bog in the near future.

Earth Day Pilgrimage to Burns Bog 2018
Burns Bog Conservation Society, 2018/03/20 08:00
Dinner Party
Burns Bog Conservation Society, 2017/07/04 08:00