Brew a cup of Labrador Tea. The perfect drink to soothe your throat on a cold winter evening.
From the peatlands of the Lower Mainland the downy leaves of this native plant make a lively and light hot tea with a citrus flavour. This tea will bring back fond memories of peaceful walks trough cedar forests.
Labrador Tea has been used across Canada by First Nations people to fight colds and the flu. The essential oil that the leaves release is considered anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antibacterial. It helps clear sinuses and helps treat various coughs. Labrador Tea is also known for its calming properties, helping to combat insomnia and anxiety. It is a good source of Vitamin C.
Note: Due to its high tannin content, high doses or prolonged brewing may cause cramps and upset stomach. It is best not to steep it for too long and to follow the instructions for its consumption. It is not recommended for women pregnant for six months or less or children under six.
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